Comedian Alex Simmons

The Late Show, CBS

Alex began as a comedian on The Late Show with David Letterman as a precocious 7 year old in 1994, and managed to get a laugh out of David Letterman.

Since making his comedy debut on The Late Show, Alex's has can been seen in the works of Amazon Prime's Comics Watching Comics, College Humor, NYC's Film Repertory Group, NY1 News, WBAI Radio, and Roku. He has jamed with Gotham Comedy Club's Red Tie Mafia improv team, and is a regular performer at Trek Long Island (Long Island's first and only Star Trek convention).

As a comedy producer, Alex has booked at Don't Tell Mama and Huron Comedy Club, his weekly variety show at the former venue was mentioned in the New York Times, Now This News, and other theater and cabaret trades. 

From comedy clubs to cabaret venues to bars and lounges, there's no corner of NYC Alex hasn't flung a funny into. There's even a chicken shop in New York with a sandwich named after him!

You can find his stand-up clips, hot takes, and more at @Ohalexsimmons on all social media. Get all his links here.